St. Paul's United Church of Christ
6512 12th Ave NW | Seattle, WA 98117 | 206-783-6733
Sunday worship in-person & Zoom: 11am.
Zoom Meeting ID: 394 857 6280 / password: peace
Edible Hope began December 11, 2024
Read details and donate here.
12-step groups: Schedules posted on main doors and bulletin board downstairs.
Finding grace in the search for understanding
There is a place for you at St. Paul’s
Open and Affirming
We are an “Open and Affirming” congregation. We celebrate our diversity in religious background, race, age, sexual orientation, and abilities. We believe that “God is still speaking” and that no matter who we are, or where we are on life’s journey, all are welcome here. We live in covenant with our wider denomination, the United Church of Christ (UCC) and our regional Pacific Northwest Conference.
The Word about St.Paul's UCC
See & hear the people of St.Paul’s UCC
UCC News
- ‘Reminded of our calling’: National interfaith leaders gathered on MLK Day to herald a hopeful path forward
- ACT Alliance North America members meet, seeking to strengthen their collective work and witness
- Waging Peace: UCC pastor who served in Carter’s administration remembers the President
- As California wildfires continue, so does the call to care for one another
- ‘Planting Seeds of Hope’ is this year’s Climate Hope Contest theme — Submissions open early February
- Going deeper in 2025: Programs, projects, plans from UCC National Ministries
- AM21 gathering in Arizona draws many to the work of ‘unraveling for repair’
- Hymnwriter Ruth C. Duck remembered for her trailblazing use of inclusive language
- Webinar: Legal considerations for faith communities with questions about sanctuary for the new year
- ‘For Such A Time As This’: MLK Day event to uplift prophetic message for the current moment
- ‘Go tell it on the mountain’: Christmas blessings from the General Minister and President
- No more lonely little Christmases: Chasing away the blues now and into the New Year
- Year in Review: Top news highlights of 2024
- UCC Annual Report video brings to life impactful ministries
- Thompson tours hurricane ravaged western North Carolina: Long-term recovery challenges are many, yet hope is present